Quem Somos
Escritório de Contabilidade situado em feira de Santana com mais de 07 anos no ramo, com 02 contadores experientes e colaboradores capacitados com prestação de serviços de escrituração contábil e fiscal, RH, departamento pessoal, folha de pagamento, FGTS, INSS, abertura, alteração e encerramento de empresas, imposto de renda PF e PJ, certidões negativas e execução de obrigações acessórias.
A RJ Contabilidade preza muitos seus valores entre eles estão: Ética, transparência, comprometimento, qualidade e respeito
Assessorar informações para tomada de decisões e sustentabilidade dos clientes, e investidores prestando serviços com qualidade e competência, valorizando os talentos internos e priorizando a excelência no atendimento.
Annual Award for Business Excellence
Nother family member reinforced the younger man’s interest in the field. Joe’s uncle was an architect and a general contractor and encouraged Joe.
Influential Women in Business
Nother family member reinforced the younger man’s interest in the field. Joe’s uncle was an architect and a general contractor and encouraged Joe.
Award of Recognition
Nother family member reinforced the younger man’s interest in the field. Joe’s uncle was an architect and a general contractor and encouraged Joe.
Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame
Nother family member reinforced the younger man’s interest in the field. Joe’s uncle was an architect and a general contractor and encouraged Joe.
Business Achievement Award
Nother family member reinforced the younger man’s interest in the field. Joe’s uncle was an architect and a general contractor and encouraged Joe.